Presentations and Proceedings 2015

Structural optimisation using advanced radial basis functions mesh morphing

Ottimizzazione strutturale di una biella automobilistica mediante mesh morphing

Use the links below to download:

  • Paper: “Structural optimisation using advanced radial basis functions mesh morphing”
  • Paper: Ottimizzazione strutturale di una biella automobilistica mediante mesh morphing”

Associazione italiana per l’analisi delle sollecitazioni 44° Convegno Nazionale (AIAS 2015)

September 2015 I Messina, Italy I English/Italian


Structural optimization of an automotive wheel rim through an RBF mesh morphing technique

Use the links below to download:

  • Paper: “Structural optimization of an automotive wheel rim through an RBF mesh morphing technique”

31st International CAE Conference 2015

October 2015 I Pacengo del Garda Verona, Italy I English


Aerodynamic Optimization of Car Shapes using the Continuous Adjoint Method and an RBF Morpher

Use the links below to download:

  • Paper: Aerodynamic Optimization of Car Shapes using the Continuous Adjoint Method and an RBF Morpher

11th International Conference on Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design, Optimization and Control  (EUROGEN 2015)

September 2015 I Glasgow (UK) I English


Multi-objective CFD optimisation of shaped hole film cooling with mesh morphing

Goal driven shape optimisation for conjugate heat transfer in an effusion cooling plate

Use the links below to download:

  • Paper: Multi-objective CFD optimisation of shaped hole film cooling with mesh morphing
  • Paper: Goal driven shape optimisation for conjugate heat transfer in an effusion cooling plate

ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition

June 2015 I Montréal, Canada I English


RBF Morph software External Aerodynamic Optimization Using ANSYS Mesh Morphing

Use the links below to download:

  • Presentation: “External Aerodynamic Optimization Using ANSYS Mesh Morphing”

Automotive Simulation World Congress 2015

June 2015 I Detroit, Michicagan, USA I English


A Cfd-based wing sail optimisation method coupled to a VPP

5th High Performance Yacht Design Conference 2015

March 2015 I Auckland I English

If you are interested in this paper below, then just get in touch with us!