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March 22, 2021

Ottimizzazione di un componente motociclistico attraverso il biological Growth method.

The Biological Growth Method (BGM) is an efficient optimization approach suitable for the surface stress reduction in a specific mechanical component and allows us to obtain a more homogeneous stress distribution. This method mimics the way in which biological structures, such as tree trunks, bones and horns, evolve during their growth. The effectiveness of the […]

March 11, 2021

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

CAD model update on as-built geometries with morphing technique: ITER winding pack Abstract: CAD and CAE model update on manufactured shapes is a key process in the industry 4.0, where design, manufacturing and maintenance are integrated elements. Digital Twin models, together with Reverse Engineering (RE) techniques, allow tracking components performances during production and verifying the […]

March 10, 2021

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

Modeling flexible/curved PCBs using RBF mesh morphing Abstract: In the recent past, flexible printed circuit board (PCB) electronics have seen a significant surge in many electronics products ranging from smartphone/watches that wrap around our wrists, displays that fold out as large television sets, reconfigurable electronics that conform to the roofs/trunks of cars or as flexible […]