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January 29, 2020

University of Roma Tor Vergata wins Ansys Hall of Fame 2020 used RBF Morph

The University of Rome Tor Vergata is the winner  of the Ansys Hall of fame 2020 world competition in Academic Session. Engineers used ANSYS Fluent, ANSYS Mechanical and RBF Morph to perform cardiovascular simulation with moving walls and applied it to the fluid–structure interaction analysis of a custom valve coupled with patient data. By bringing these simulations into the clinic, it will be possible to help doctors […]

January 26, 2020

RBF Morph at the ANSYS Worldwide Sales Conference 2020

  As Gold Sponsor RBF Morph has been participated on January from 19th to 22th at the ANSYS Worldwide Sales Conference 2020 promoted by ANSYS inc, the most important commercial and technological partner of our company. About 1600 people attended the event, of which: 425 sales staff and managers; over 300 directors and business partners; over 250 application […]