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October 9, 2012

Presentation by Leeds University: "An optimization study of a ship hull"

You can find online the presentation “An optimization study of a ship hull”, about an interesting study by Dr. A. Pranzitelli (University of Leeds, Leeds, UK) & D. Caridi (ANSYS UK, Sheffield) demonstrating how RBF Morph can be used to achieve a 7.9% reduction in resistance for the Series 60 CB=0.6 ship hull.  

October 8, 2012

RBF Morph at International CAE Conference 2012

RBF Morph has been present at the International CAE Conference 2012on the 22th and 23th of October in Lazise (VR) – Hotel Parchi del Garda with the paper Optimization of wing efficiency vs. sweep angles using mesh morphing by M.E. Biancolini, U. Cella, M. Mancini & G. Travostino. The paper contains the results of a […]